Today, like any other day, I sat down to meditate on the events around me that influence my life. Troubled by many things lately, those things that I do not control or have much influence on, it was hard for me to really focus on what I can do to better myself or position, or lessen the consiquinces of the actions around me. The more I thought on this, the harder it was to remain in a meditative state, and the clarity that I sought blurred until an over-whelming confusion took it's place. I gave up...
I looked at my website bookmarks, and reviewed what I had been watching and reading for the last several days. Then I looked back at the last several months. I continued this review until I reached back to 2004. I found it, that line of thought, that progression of disconnected information that kept saying; 'Hey! This is important!. But why did I quit looking at it? Why did it drift out of my line of sight and out of my thoughts? So I looked again. There it was....
Every government in the world shares one major thing in common, PR. It is not the ability to find good information and facts, it is the ability to fabricate information and facts that the governments excel at. Controlling the information gives indirect control over the population, and our governments can do this well. They can erase information and replace it, and almost no one objects to it. Those that do are listed as 'conspericy therorists' of labeled as lunatics. Their 'facts' disappear with their stories, blurred by other outside information and influence. Other things 'develope' and new things come-into the attention....
So, back to my point, if there is one here. What happened to the 'ongoing investigations' in the Yellowstone Lake? can you remember the news report by the USGS about the lake bed rising back in 2009? That report, at least in part is still available online, but no new information can be found. What about the facts about the WMD's in Iraq? Oh yeah, there was none. Nor any actual proof of terrorists involved in several US attacks, nor any hard facts on why we are either at war or occupying three different countries right now. How about the Gulf oil spill? When did it get cleaned and who did it? No one, and there is still oil spreading all over along the coast lines and further out to sea killing millions of sea life. What about the massive deaths of birds that happened last Spring in the mid-south. Thousands of birds dropped dead, in mid-flight. Nothing is known about why, and almost everyone forgot about it.
Here is a ling of thought, since I brought up Yellowstone; Haiti, Chili, Japan, and recently the 'cluster quakes' along the Alaskan coast. In the last 26 months, major geological, volcanic and siesmic activity along the 'Ring of Fire', yet almost no news or media attention since Japans 9.0 and following Tsunami. It's not the San Andres Fault line that the USGS is worried about, it is the New Cascadia fault, 20+ miles off the coast of Washington. A major quake there, 8.0 or above, and we will loose most of the West Coast to the sea, and the tidal wave will reach into Portland within an hour!
Back to government; what the Hell people? History has shown us what happens when civil liberties and government or corrupt business and or banks collide, and history often repeats itself. Rome, France, Egypt... you see my point. All were great empires, all strong in government and political 'world' standing, all fell after a period of time, and all fell to the people of the country not invaders! Look at what happened in London, in Cairo and is going on mow in New York and across the country. The government backed the banks, and the banks foreclosed on the people. Millions of people lost their jobs, their homes, their savings and retirement. No one benefited from a 'bail out' that was supposed to bring back the economic flow. The bail out was voted down in the beginning, the lobbyists for the banks and big corporations got it passed, and they got all the money, they drove the deficit up and then they demanded the US government pay up. Did you get all that?
Research it for yourself, PLEASE!
As a priest of Nature, and observer of the 'old ways', a man of science and fact, and a student of civility and as a citizen, I combine all this information and can draw many conclusions. And I do. But here, now, I just want You to think, to look, to research, for yourself, while you can. I posted the other day on Facebook
For those who aren't active in Politics, for the love of Freedom, get active in your citizenship! Exercise your rights, for once we are found not using them, they will be taken away. Defend your rights, for if not, they will be taken away. And least of all, remind your elected officials that they work for you, if not, then they surely will work for others... ya know, the ones who decided you weren't interested, didn't need your rights that you weren't using, and took them all away because you let them.
This was a public reminder...
And now that rings true ever more so....