Ever heard of the adage;"KISS, or Keep It Simple Stupid"? It revolves around in my head at least 10 times a day. It helps me evaluate what I need and what I want, and therefore what I am going to spend or invest in. Today is no different, and I suspect tomorrow it will again overshadow most if not all of my decisions.
With todays tech, we find so many multi tasking and complex equipment that somehow we just can't seem to get along without. How did that happen? Mostly due to marketing and 'keeping up with the Jones's'. I myself own a smartphone, a laptop, an all wheel drive SUV, a half dozen multi-tools for example. Wow, do I really need all this? I carry with me at all times a pocket multi-tool, a smartphone, and a pocket knife, credit card, bank card and a bit of cash. Why? Because I was a Boy Scout and believe in the motto of ' Be Prepared'.
We are in the midst of not only a personal crisis with our income/expenses, but riding on the wake of a National economic crisis. Soon our credit and bank cards are going to be features that are going to be about useless, so I will not carry them, the smartphone might be a bit much, if the bills cannot be up-kept! The laptop has wi-fi, and there is almost a free connection to be found, but for how much longer, as the FCC is trying to reclassify the internet and servers are going to have to recoup that cost. How many of us have thought of that.
As a Pagan, I tend to keep a lot of my everyday life in line with Nature and think about my impact on the globe, physically, economicly, and socially. I bought my family vehicle with it's size and gas mileage in mind (sized for my family needs and cargo capacity, mileage for fuel cost and travel distance ability) and didn't want all, or even, most the perks. I did go all-wheel-drive due to road and off-road conditions that I have year around (I live in the North West up here in Idaho) and travel quite a bit, on average of 70,000 miles a year, and take my family with me most of the time. However, I also ride a bike, walk or travel the back-roads and wilderness either on foot or by horseback, whenever I can. And not just to save gas either.
What I am saying is, how much stuff do we really need? Every day items we have aren't really used everyday, and sometimes we have extra things that we invest in the we don't use often and have to either store or build storage for them. (Yes, I am not a big lover of ATV's and such 'toys' as most outdoor enthusiasts) We are personally looking at moving into a smaller place than our already humble 1100 sq foot two bedroom apartment, to save money we don't really have, so I am looking at what we need, and whet we will sell, or give away, and what we will keep. We already have about 200 sq foot of stuff in storage and can't really add any to it. So, simplify....
Just todays ramble from a point of view that is not only looking at everyday live, but looking at our changing Nation and our Pagan influence in our lives. What we do today WILL affect tomorrow, and our choices that we make now, WILL affect our children's decisions as they inherit what we leave for them.
just saying....
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